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Aurora 2 Project – The fight goes on

Seqalis is proud to announce its participation in a pivotal research initiative in the fight against breast cancer !We are delighted to announce the participation of Seqalis in phase 2 of the AURORA project, led by the Breast International Group (BIG) in their pursuit of progress in breast cancer research.In this new phase, Seqalis is playing a crucial role by sharing its expertise as a laboratory service provider. Seqalis will be focusing on IHC analysis and NGS sequencing using OncoDNA’s OncoDEEP Kit.Being part of this collaboration, which brings together 17 hospitals from 7...

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Visit of the Minister President of the Wallonia region

Monday March 13th, Seqalis was honoured to welcome the Minister President of the Wallonia Region, M. Elio Di Rupo and the Deputy General Administrator of the Wallonia Export & Investment Agency, M. Jean-Pierre Marcelle for the visit of its facilities at Gosselies. It was a great opportunity to present the activities of Seqalis and to exchange about the Plan de Relance of the Wallonia Region. M. Di Rupo also officially opened the brand new Seqalis laboratories which will be used to pursue the development of innovative activities in the health and the biomedical research fields such...

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Live Expert Panel on Immunotherapies

On Jan. 25 2023, Seqalis broadcasted a live expert panel on immuno-oncology and quantitative TCR sequencing. The webinar was organized by Seqalis with the collaboration of the Institut de Duve (UCLouvain, Be) and PDC-Line Pharma (Be/Fr). The expert panel was composed of Dr Sophie Lucas, President of de Duve Institute (UCLouvain, Be), Eric Halioua, CEO of PDC-Line Pharma (Fr/Be), Dr Joël Plumas, CSO of PDC-Line Pharma (Be/Fr) and Dr Javier Carrasco, clinical oncologist at the Grand Hôpital de Charleroi (Be) and Medical Advisor of Seqalis. The webinar turned out to be an overwhelming...

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